Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chasing Dreams

I believe that everyone has their own dreams. Some smells impossible, and some are really make sense to come true. And I also know that everyone has dreams that they wish to make it true. Dreams aren't just ordinary things, but dreams make us alive. Dreams push us to work, dreams push us to study, and of course it pushes us to be on the top! Dreams come not only when we sleep, but also when we open our eyes and look around and 'Shoot, I want to be like her! I want this, I want that in my new house! I wish Brad Pitt could be my husband in the future!'. And all of it, we call it DREAMS!

Gratefully, I have many dreams, I have many obsessions, wishes, and everything to work for to make it true! Once when I was a kid, I never thought about what I would be someday in the future. And every time people asked me: 'What do you want to be in the future?', just like every other kids (that time), then I said: 'Hmm...I want to be a doctor (even I can't stand to see corpse)'. I kept saying that until I found that actually I want to be a catwalk model!haha.. I worked so hard for it! I joined some competitions, and I was accepted, but not until the final, because of my height! :(
Then I realize, it's not my destiny to be a catwalk model. But that the only job that I really want to have! But that's okay, at least I still have many dreams to work for.

I want to be one of the God's soldiers, praise Him, make Him proud to see that a human that He created before becomes somebody now without forgetting Him as her Father. I have a dream to build an orphanage or a social institution to help others. I also want to have a business that can make money but at the same time it helps creating a green earth! I want to be able to play piano, drums, and violin! Going abroad for education is the one that I'm working for! I want to make nothing into something (talking about trash)! As an ordinary girl, having a husband, kids, and a really great family are also some of my dreams. ;)

Some of my dreams above are still possible. Only walking on the catwalk that I don't think I can get it. Even sometimes I want to say, 'I think I'm too late to chase those', but I never really say it. Because something deep inside is stronger, it says, 'Better late than never. Work in faith with Him never ever let you down'. Then I go and chase them! I let Him to come to my life and lead me to walk on His way, so I can get the dreams that I want and He planned before. I'm on my way to catch the light and be on the top!

Wish you guys can get your dreams also! Work hard play hard will be the best quote for it!


P.S. I also have many silly dreams! (e.g. Walking on the red carpet for some awards in America and sit on the front row seat). And by the way, I never think it's impossible, so I'm working for the bucks to fly, walk on the red carpet, take a picture together with my favorites, and watch them in the front row! YAY!


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