Saturday, December 3, 2011

GAME is how I call my life. Winning means losing for a hundred of times and stand still for the 101st

Friday, July 29, 2011

'P' for Peace from Perception

As I am currently a student who takes Communication Science, I understand perception well enough. Perception is a thought that we have based on our own background (family background, last experiences, social background, belief, etc). Every thought that we have, to be exact it comes from our background.
I exist in this beautiful earth not just to become a student, but I also concern about global issues. Peace and wars have been one of the big issues in the world. I was wondering what is behind all these wars. And once, I think I could understand what makes wars in this world.
We were created with differences and diversities. They are absolutely beautiful when you see from the right sight. From those differences and diversities, we can fill each other. But unfortunately, the fact is the difference perceptions create wars. Then what can we do? we-can't-do-anything action is really worse action for me. Billions of people or even uncountable people should be handled. Can you believe that we can do that? But the answer is 'YES'! Yes, we can do it, people!!! POWER-OF-WORDS works!
When one to another talk about peace, talk about understanding between diversities, and accepting those differences, and then another will talk to the others, it will work! We also have got opinion leaders in each communities. The opinion leaders can take the lead to the peace.
We have social network that actually we can use. When we spread the good news, then the result will be good. People say that bad news is a good news. But who cares when all the stations shows good news, everyone will keep watching and listening.
Be united in saving the world. We share the same ocean, we live in the same land (just separated by the distance), the earth is ours, the people are friends, what is the reason for us to fight?
PEACE yo! :)Peace

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dreams Aren't Just Dreams

I'm wondering if I could be like what I always dream to be. Sometimes I think I'd better to live in a dream, I can picture myself as anyone I want to be, picture myself in anywhere I want to be. But I hate when the dreams come to the end and I should wake up to face the real life.

If only I had got wings, I would ask you to fly with me.
If only I were the president, I would feed you well.
If only I were a life teacher, I wouldn't give you a hard exam without guiding you.

Many ideas seem so impossible, but 'nothing is impossible' is true, I just can make those ideas come true (at least in my dreams). What's the point of having an obsession? I guess the answers are only two; to feel happiness of achieving the desire or just to show off. If the first is the answer, then we just need a nice bed to sleep and have a nice dream, because we can feel it in our dreams. Problems SOLVED!

Friday, June 24, 2011


Sebagai seorang mahasiswi, saya memang bukan seperti mahasiswi pada umumnya (terutama mahasiswi yang memilih fakultas ilmu yang sebenarnya: Biologi, Kimia, Fisika, dan kawan-kawannya), karena keseharian saya bukan belajar, tapi lebih dengan memperhatikan tingkah laku orang sekitar, mencoba mengerti apa yang dirasakan seseorang jika diperlakukan seperti A, B, C, dan seterusnya. Oh iya, saya adalah mahasiswi Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi yang berkosentrasi pada PR (Public Relation). Maka dari itu, saya lebih memperhatikan bagaimana komunikasi yang berlangsung disekitar saya, daripada membaca buku dan menghafal teori Bapak dan Ibu A-Z.

Suatu hari saat saya sedang dalam perjalanan pulang bersama keluarga saya dari salah satu pusat perbelanjaan di Jakarta, kami terjebak kemacetan kota Jakarta yang telah menjadi rahasia umum (rahasia tapi kok umum?!). Beberapa menit kami berbincang dalam perjalanan tersebut, kami bercerita satu sama lain, dan lama kelamaan kami pun merasa lelah dimakan waktu. Beberapa kali saya memperhatikan jalanan, dan satu ketika saya baru sadar bahwa selama ini mobil-mobil besar dan mahal seperti Alphard, Serena, Fortuner, mereka semua diduduki oleh SATU orang sopir yang akan menjemput tuannya yang juga hanya berjumlah SATU orang, sedangkan motor-motor bebek dijalanan berlalu lalang dengan membawa 2, 3, bahkan terkadang 4 orang diatasnya. Miris sekali saat saya menyadari fenomena ini.

Mobil-mobil besar nan mahal itu hanya dapat dimiliki oleh orang-orang yang memiliki penghasilan berlebih, sayangnya mereka menyia-nyiakan space mobil mereka yang besar hanya untuk dirinya sendiri. Mobil-mobil yang mahal ini kebanyakan berlalu lalang dengan 2 penumpang (yang sebenarnya mampu menampung hingga 10 orang), bagaimana Jakarta tidak macet kalau fenomena yang terjadi seperti ini? Sedangkan kendaraan roda dua yang sudah ditumpangi oleh lebih dari dua orang saja terus bertambah.

Saya melihat sebuah kejanggalan, sebuah keterbalikan antara pemilik kendaraan bermotor roda empat dan roda dua ini. Bagaimana mengatasi masalah ini? Hanya setiap pribadi dari kita saja yang bisa menjawab. Saat kita sadar, peduli, dan bertindak, maka jawabannya akan positif untuk masa depan hidup seluruh mahkluk hidup.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Stupid Man: "you MUST smoke, it tastes good!"

Smart Man : "i SHOULD smoke to gimme inspiration."

Wise Man   : "i WILL smoke if it could give me a life"
